10 Ways To Reduce Weight By Dieting & Exercise




Obesity & Overweight is now become a global issue. Upper middle class and upper class are commonly affected by this. To reduce weight people opted DIETING & it is seen that DIETING has many adverse effects If does not follow under proper Guidance.

Always remember that no one can gain or lose weight in a day. It’s a long term process. If you are trying to reduce weight, be patient as it may take time from few months to one or two year. It depends on how many kg are to be reduced. It is advisable to lose 2kg per month or ½ kg per week. Slow and steady weight loss never comes back and doesn’t show any harmful effect on body.


10 Ways To Reduce Weight By Dieting And Exercise

1. It is important to know that starving or fasting is not a right way to reduce weight. Fasting and starving has side effects. It can cause severe nutrient deficiency, weak bones, dry skin, anemia, fainting. If diet is deficient in minerals like calcium and phosphorus, it can cause bone problems i.e. brittle bones, osteoporosis etc. Protein deficiency can cause skin and hair problems, iron deficiency can lead to low hemoglobin level which causes anemia.

2. It is advisable for everyone to include daily physical activity. Morning walk, jogging, brisk walking is good for everyone. It not only helps to reduce weight but also keep body fit. 20-30 minutes walk after dinner is helpful for proper digestion and also help to control weight.

3. Remember that weight reduction can be achieved by only two methods, right dieting and right physical exercise. Combinations of both are important. Neither dieting nor physical exercise can reduce weight alone.

4. Various slimming centers provide machines for weight reduction. By this machine there is only water loss not fat loss. Don’t go for this. This is just a wastage of time and money. It will not helpful for permanent weight loss. Relatos Cortos

5. Always keep in mind that the drugs which are used for weight reduction should never be used. These drugs are easily available in market and have lot of side effects. Before taking any type of drug, consult with registered practitioner or doctor.

6. Fluid intake should be high. High intake of fluid and water will maintain glowing skin and remove toxins from the body.

7. Foods which have high fiber content, high water content and low glycemic index are good to reduce weight. Some of these foods are whole fruits and vegetables, whole grain cereals, whole pulses etc.

8. Reduce intake of sugar in tea, coffee. Reduce alcohol intake. Alcohols are rich in calories which cause weight gain.

9. Try to avoid foods rich in high carbohydrate like, chocolates, sweets, cream biscuits. Now, sugar free sweets are also available in market, but it should be consumed in limited amount. Heavy consumption of artificial sweeteners is also harmful.

10. Try to limit consumption of fried foods and foods like puries, parantha, samosa, burger and other outside foods. Extra calories from fat results in weight gain.

After achieving normal weight, it is also important to maintain that weight otherwise if you go in your old eating habits and bad lifestyle, you will again put on weight. So try to change your eating habits and lifestyle forever.

Photo credit : Migrelief.com

10 Ways To Reduce Weight By Dieting & Exercise

10 Ways To Reduce Weight By Dieting & Exercise

Obesity & Overweight is now become a global issue. Upper middle class and upper class are commonly affected by this. To reduce weight people opted DIETING & it






10 Ways To Reduce Weight By Dieting & Exercise
10 Ways To Reduce Weight By Dieting & Exercise

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