Brown rice is whole grain rice which is also known as hulled rice. It is a staple food of millions of people globally and is scientifically known as, oryza sativa.
You would be glad to know that this mild nutty flavor rice is much more nutritious than your white rice. Read the article below to know about health benefits of eating brown rice in diet!
Brown rice is highly rich in manganese content that helps in synthesis of fatty acids required for the healthy nervous system functioning.
You would be glad to read that one can fulfill 88% daily needs of manganese by eating only 2 cups of brown rice in diet. Also, it aids in energy production from carbohydrates and proteins.
You would be glad to know that presence of good amount of fiber and selenium in brown rice helps in lowering down the chances of colon cancer.
Selenium along with vitamin E guards you against cardiovascular ailments. Moreover, it also protects you from asthma symptoms and rheumatoid arthritis.
Brown rice is highly rich in insoluble fiber that protects women from the development of gallstones.
The fiber content present in brown rice helps in lowering down the cholesterol level in body and also magically prevents atherosclerosis. It also aids in good bowel movement thus reducing the constipation ailment.The oil present in brown rice helps in reducing the cholesterol level in body. Anime en Español
All the women who are above 40 and have gone through menopause stage often complains about high cholesterol level, cardiovascular ailment and high blood pressure should include brown rice in their diet to get relief from such ailments.
You would be glad to know that brown rice is loaded with phytonutrionts that promotes sound body, mind and soul.
Since brown rice is highly rich in magnesium content, it lowers down the chances of migraines, headaches, reduces the asthma severity and provides good protection against heart attacks and strokes.
Moreover, magnesium content in brown rice balances the calcium level in body thus regulating nerve and muscles.
You would be amazed to read that daily intake of brown rice helps in preventing breast cancer in pre-menopausal women.
Brown Rice Benefits
Brown rice is whole grain rice which is also known as hulled rice. It is a staple food of millions of people globally and is scientifically known as, oryza sat

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