There are many reasons why people fast. Some of the common reasons are: fasting to lose weight, fasting for religious reasons, to give digestive system a break, to cleanse and tone the digestive system, due to lack of time where there is a tendency to skip meals.
How does fasting affect your health in Diabetes Mellitus?
In diet treatment for type 2 diabetes or type 1 diabetes, a person needs to consume small, frequent, carefully planned meals at appropriate timings. Skipping meals or eating too much in one meal can lead to severe blood sugar fluctuations which is harmful. When fasting is observed for a long time it may lead to muscle break down and usage of amino acid for energy. Long term fasting may also cause liver, heart and kidney problems.
Fasting diet during festivals: Practicing their faith becomes tough for diabetics when their faith involves fasting for a long duration. Many religions do exclude those with health conditions, such as diabetes, from fasting. Some religions have even modified the way a fast is practiced so that diabetics can participate. If you want to fast and your faith allows for you to practice a modified fast, you can partake in your religious fast under a doctor’s supervision. Irrespective of the religious faith or reason, those who fast need to keep a few things in mind: Juegos gratis para movil
a. Plan your meal, its carbohydrate distribution and medication in consultation with the doctor and the nutritionist to avoid severe blood sugar fluctuations.
b. When the sun goes down and you are allowed to eat after the fast, or whenever you break the fast you should limit the number of sugary foods and sweet drinks that you consume. This is because your system is already taxed by fasting and eating sugary food may send the blood sugar sky rocketing. Also refrain from indulging in fatty foods that are given to break the fast.
c. During Ramadan fasting, you should have the meal just before sunrise and not much earlier so that the food takes a longer time to digest fully when fasting and the blood sugar doesn’t dip suddenly.
d. Make sure that you eat a balanced diet of fruits, vegetables, fiber rich foods, milk and milk products before sunrise or before you begin the fast. Break the fast with low calorie and sugar free drink like buttermilk followed by simple carbohydrates like fruits and complex carbohydrates like rotis /chapattis.
e. Monitor your blood glucose more closely during fast.
f. Have low calorie fluids to avoid dehydration symptoms during fast.
g. Austere fasting or prolonged fasting needs to be avoided.
Fasting Diet and Diabetes Mellitus
There are many reasons why people fast. Some of the common reasons are: fasting to lose weight, fasting for religious reasons, to give digestive system a break
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