How To Make Healthy Beef Barely Soup




Having a healthy soup in the day time is really joyful. Here is a recipe for you to prepare a healthy non vegetarian soup, beef barley soup. Being a popular soup in America and some other western countries, beef barley soup is considered to be the healthier non vegetarian item.

You can read this article and prepare a delicious beef barley soup in your own kitchen.


Beef ½ kg

Carrot 3

Celery 6 stalks

Onion 4

Butter 1 tablespoon

Beef broth 4 Cups

Vegetable Oil 2 tablespoon

Turmeric powder

Water 4 Cups

Tomatoes, 2

barley 1 Cup

Dried basil 1/2 teaspoon

Dried oregano 1/2 teaspoon

Salt (for taste)

Pepper (for taste)



As the first step of your cooking, you can prepare the needed ingredients in a suitable way for the dish. For that, first, you need to wash the beef properly with clean water and cut it into small appropriate pieces. After that, take a pressure cooker filled with enough water to boil the beef.

You can add the beef pieces to the cooker along with a pinch of salt and turmeric powder (keep in mind that adding more salt will reduce the taste of your soup, so, add very less amount of salt when you boil the beef).

Keep the cooker on a medium heat and cook it for some time. Before the meet is fully cooked, you can turn off the flame and remove the remaining water from the cooker. After that, take a fry pan and heat it adding vegetable oil to it. As the oil gets hotter, add the boiled beef to it and start frying. You need to stir fry the meet until it is half fried. Once it is done, you can remove the pan from heat and keep aside covering it finely. Mundo Gore

Now, you can chop the onions into thin pieces and reserve. Then, you need to slice the carrot and tomatoes into appropriate pieces. Chop the celery and set aside all these ingredients. After that, you can take a soup kettle and add the butter to it. Heat it in a medium flame and, when the butter is fully melted and it gets hotter, add the chopped onion to it. Fry it for some time and add the chopped celery and slice carrots to the kettle.


You have to fry these ingredients at least for five minutes in the same heat. After that, you can add the beef broth to them and blend it well. Then, add tomatoes along with barley stirring continuously. Now, you can add the cooked beef to the mixture along with water. Stir the mixture well and add oregano and basil to it. After that, sprinkle a pinch of pepper and little salt in the mixture.

Now, stir the mixture well and decrease the heat. Then, cover the kettle finely and cook it for at least 25 minutes. You have to stir it often removing the cover in between. Once the mixture is boiled well, you can turn off the flame and transfer the mixture to a serving plate. Your beef barley soup is now ready to be served. You can serve it hot.

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How To Make Healthy Beef Barely Soup

How To Make Healthy Beef Barely Soup

Having a healthy soup in the day time is really joyful. Here is a recipe for you to prepare a healthy non vegetarian soup, beef barley soup. Being a popular so





How To Make Healthy Beef Barely Soup
How To Make Healthy Beef Barely Soup

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