Donuts are fried cakes that are preferred by many but since they contain sugar many keep them out of their diet.The reason for avoiding sugar from diet may be diabetes, hypoglycemia or obesity.
If you are diabetic you can have sugar free donut. You can even decorate your simple donuts with aromatic sugar free vanilla glaze. The following steps help you to decorate your sugar free doughnuts with sugar free vanilla donut glaze.
Ingredients For Donuts
Milk- one cup
Sugar substitute- one cup
Eggs- two
Flour- three cups
Powdered cinnamon or nutmeg- quarter teaspoon
Butter- two tablespoon
Salt- to taste
Baking powder- three teaspoon or one package of dry yeast
Ingredients For Donut Glaze
Corn starch- quarter cup
Powdered milk- quarter cup
Water- quarter cup
Granulated sugar substitute- half cup
Vanilla extract- half teaspoon
Salt- quarter teaspoon
Ground cinnamon or nutmeg- 1/8 teaspoon
Directions For Donut Glaze
Preheat the oven at 425 degree F for about 20 minutes. If you are using yeast then mix it with lukewarm water and keep aside. Meanwhile take ¾ cup of milk in a sauce pan and heat the milk till the temperature reaches close to the boiling point.
Thereafter remove it from the heat and mix with the cinnamon or nutmeg powder and salt. Once the milk mixture cools down to lukewarm temperature add two beaten eggs and mix them well.Then mix the milk and egg mixture with either yeast or baking powder followed by two and half cups of flour. Viajes y turismo
Yeast raised donuts when paired with vanilla glaze require less sugar substitute than the baking powder raised donuts.Beat the entire mixture very well till it blends evenly.Cover the dough with a moist cloth and keep it aside for an hour or till the dough attains double its size.
Spread the remaining flour on a flat surface and transfer the dough from the bowl to the flour sprinkled surface and roll the dough over the flour to form a soft ball. Care should be taken to avoid kneading of the dough.
Roll the dough till it reaches half an inch thickness throughout the length and cut them using a donut cutter.Arrange the pieces on a baking sheet, two inches apart and brush them with melted butter. Now bake them in oven for ten minutes or till the donuts becomes golden brown in color.
In another saucepan boil a quarter cup of water and in the meanwhile mix half cup sugar substitute, a quarter cup each powdered of milk and corn starch in a bowl. Mix the ingredients in bowl with the boiling water till it becomes a thick mixture.
Combine these ingredients with either cinnamon or nutmeg powder, salt and vanilla extract and stir them well till the entire contents mix well. Cinnamon or nutmeg powders increase the sweetness of the glaze without adding much sugar substitute.
In order to provide an attractive look to the donut coating you can add food colors to the glaze mixture along with the vanilla extract.Drizzle this glaze mixture over the donuts or dip the donuts in the vanilla glaze and enjoy your delicious donuts.
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How To Make Sugar Free Vanilla Donut Glaze
Donuts are fried cakes that are preferred by many but since they contain sugar many keep them out of their diet.The reason for avoiding sugar from diet may be

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