The South Beach Diet is all the rage but what does it mean? It is a diet that comes with the punch line ‘neither low fat nor low carb’. This diet believes in eating moderate amounts and the right kind of foods.
The South Beach Diet does not starve the body, changes your eating habits and establishes a strict regimen. And the best thing is, you never have to worry about overeating or consuming too many calories or fats.With many celebrities following this diet, it is gaining popularity in many countries. It’s addicting really, because it is so easy to maintain! Here is how it works:
The diet has three phases that are basically about over indulging in any particular food types, or starving yourself of them. Phase 1, if done well, shows exciting results. For fourteen days, participants can eat specified foods like nuts, cheese, eggs and small quantities of meat, all of which have high proteins. Small snacking is allowed and this removes major carbohydrate and fat consumption.
Phase 2 brings in dairy products and whole grain breads, but in a gradual manner. Having any processed and artificially packaged food is still prohibited. Phase 3 allows us to have more of every day food with small portions of pasta, cereals, and bread. This is done so that the body is now conditioned to process them and take optimum nutrients from them. This phase also makes the body independent of carbohydrates. AFrutados todo sobre frutas
The south beach diet has had clinical trials in many parts of the country and without doubt it has proved to do wonders to your looks. Since it is coupled with mild and less time consuming exercises, it doesn’t stress individuals to follow it. Also, you can still eat delicious foods so you won’t crave for it, unlike other diets.
The diet is designed to metabolize the consumed food to its best potential and fast! Since snacking and eating in restaurants is allowed, you will not be missing much when on this diet. It has been observed that long lasting results start showing within a month! It’s a balanced and gradual way of weight loss that is ideal for maintaining a healthy body. Now you never have to think about crash dieting again!
South Beach Diet Program
The South Beach Diet is all the rage but what does it mean? It is a diet that comes with the punch line ‘neither low fat nor low carb’. This diet believes
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