Watermelon Benefits




Watermelon belongs to the cucurbitadae family and it comes in many forms. As a child we all have enjoyed eating watermelons in summer without knowing about the numerous benefits it provides for our health.

But as we grew older we started discovering some of its health benefits and enjoyed eating it much more. In case you are not aware of the several health benefits of watermelons, we discuss them in brief now.

Abundant amount of potassium is contained in watermelon which helps in cleaning our kidneys of toxic depositions and reduces uric acid concentration in the blood.


Thus it reduces the risk of kidney damages and renal calculi formation in it. Watermelon is very high in water content and hence induces frequent urination and cleans our kidneys.

Watermelon contains lycopene, a carotenoid, which reduces the risk of prostrate cancer as well as heart disease. It improves our cardiac functions and prevents age related problems of heart by keeping them young.

Watermelon contains high amount of roughage in it which is very low in energy. Watermelon with the help of carotenoids, Vitamin C and potassium keeps your heart safe by reducing cholesterol levels in your body.

High potassium and magnesium contents of watermelon are efficient in lowering high blood pressure. And its carotenoids content helps in preventing hardening of the arterial walls and veins; hence helps in reducing blood pressure. Recetas para Cookeo

Diabetics can also benefit from watermelons. Though they are sweet in taste, they are low in calories but high in various key vitamins and minerals like magnesium and potassium which helps insulin in our body to function properly.


Hence they lower the blood sugar levels in the body. A compound called arginine found in watermelon is very efficient in enhancing the insulin impact on sugar.

Watermelon is full of Vitamin A, which helps in boosting your immunity and helps to ward off infection from your body. It is effective in preventing blindness too.

It effectively fights the age-related macular degeneration i.e. loss of vision. You will be surprised to know that eating watermelon is even more beneficial for your eyes health than eating carrots.

During summer watermelons are consumed mainly to reap its benefit of reducing your body temperature and blood pressure. So if you live in hot regions then quench your thirst with watermelon and also get its several health benefits it provides.

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Watermelon Benefits

Watermelon belongs to the cucurbitadae family and it comes in many forms. As a child we all have enjoyed eating watermelons in summer without knowing about the






Watermelon benefits 1
Watermelon benefits 1

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