Wonder Food That Will Keep You Healthy And Glowing




Munching in between meals, meetings, working or watching television is a very common habit to us. It not only subsidies hunger pangs but is also a way to cure boredom. We tend to reach out for bites and nibbles.

But the foods we generally tend to fall for are cookies, chips, chocolates, biscuits, a cake etc, which for sure satisfy our cravings but does no good to our health. They are laden with calories and have no nutritional value what so ever. Why not swap these foods with better options and avoid our body from ill-treatment.

Our body needs pampering by us and stuffing food without considering the nutritional value of it is committing cruelty against our own selves.

We should treat our body with foods which are nutrient packed and high in energy. We will be discussing few foods which can be consumed in between meal gaps, and are a treat for the body too owing to its high in vitamin and nutritional content.


Below are mentioned 11 munchies to be complimented along with daily intake of food. This will supplement our nutritional value as well as bring a natural glow to our skin. These nibbles can be found at convenience and taken be taken in between courses without guilt.


let us consider munchies like almonds instead of chocolates. To start with they can be stored easily in our pocket or handbags. Almonds play a vital task in improvement of growth and development. They help in maintaining skin and hair growth, regulates metabolism and also improves good cholesterol level.


Apples have no fat, are rich in fiber and protect post-menopausal women from osteoporosis. It also helps in prevention of Alzheimer’s disease and helps in lowering the LDL or bad cholesterol. Apple is also said to have anti aging properties and is considered as a diabetes manager.


Figs are tasty and healthy. It helps keep a check on weight, blood pressure and hypertension. These soft, pulpy luscious fruit helps in protecting against breast cancer in post menopausal phase. This is single package multipurpose fruit which also helps in curing sexual weakness, constipation, indigestion, piles, diabetes, cough, bronchitis and protection against muscular degeeration.


Kiwi is a storehouse of Vitamin C and therefore helps in maintaining the collagen in our skin, thus keeping it firm and it also contributes to the whitening of skin. It helps improve the body’s ability to absorb iron and thus helps in vitality, productivity and strengthening of the immune system. Kiwi contains much more acid compared to other fruits, which in turn helps in inhibiting dark spots, balancing of skins ph and lightening of complexion.

Sunflower seeds:

Prefer sunflower seeds over salads and enjoy the marvellous results of younger looking skin. It has extra ordinary anti ageing properties which slows down the sagging of skin. These seeds of health go a long way in daily nutritional intake requirement of the body. These are packed with Vitamin E which is a strong antioxidant which helps preserve cardiovascular health, diminishing scars and decreases the ageing elements of the skin. It’s a healthy snacking option.


Green Tea:

Photo Credit: Womenshealthreview.co.uk

Our body requires lot of fluid intake, instead of those 10-12 glasses of water substitute few with green tea which also has medicinal properties. Green tea has antioxidants which fights acne and blemishes. It has marvelous anti aging chemicals which helps in slowing down the aging process and cell degeneration. It not only helps in curing high blood pressure and cholesterol levels, it is also useful in treating cancer. Viajes y turismo

Wheat grass:

Wheatgrass is quick on replenishing energy and nutritional requirement of the body It acts a great mass gainer and powerful toxic cleanser. It also has anti bacterial properties and is very rich in fiber and can be used as latex. It also cures mouth odor and aids in digestion and weight control. High content of chlorophyll found in wheatgrass helps in improving the hemoglobin levels in the body, and prevents from any bacterial infestation. It is also beneficial in certain skin diseases like eczema and psoriasis apart from being helpful in early greying of hair.


Walnuts contain omega 3 fatty acids that help in lowering the bad cholesterol or LDL. these fats nourish the body by reducing the production of inflammatory substances by skin, reducing blocked pores and helps in treating fine lines and wrinkles. It has also been stated that regular consumption of these nuts help by averting Alzheimer’s disease or at least in delaying the on-set of it. It is also helpful for pregnant women as it complements the growth of child’s brain in the fetus. It also is a great aid in treatment of dandruff and dry hair.


It is a powerhouse of nutrients like vitamin K, potassium, folic acid, potassium etc. These are a good source for mono saturated fatty acids and help in curing chronic heart ailments. Avocados are creamy by nature thus act as great moisturizer for the skin. Avocados are also famous as natural facial agents. Mixing some oatmeal with milk along with avocados can make for natural scrubs too.


Carrots are rich in several vitamins, and high on nutrients. They are full of goodness with great health and skin benefits. It contains vitamins A which complements the glow of your skin, C which lowers the free radical which acts against premature aging of skin, E which makes for healthy supple skin and great hair, K aids in anti aging properties and vitamin B1 and B6 which supplements energy and maintains the health of our skin, nails and hair. Carrots are also rich in beta carotene which is a great anti oxidant.

Dark Chocolates:

Last but not the least are sinful dark chocolates. These indulgences have certain compounds which has stimulating and beneficial effects on our body. Pure dark chocolates regulate the secretion of endorphins which makes us feel happy and indulgent, while serotonin in chocolates acts as an antidepressant. Among the above mentioned it is one of the best source of antioxidant and has marvelous results on skin.

green tea

Wonder Food That Will Keep You Healthy And Glowing

Wonder Food That Will Keep You Healthy And Glowing

Munching in between meals, meetings, working or watching television is a very common habit to us. It not only subsidies hunger pangs but is also a way to cure






Wonder Food That Will Keep You Healthy And Glowing
Wonder Food That Will Keep You Healthy And Glowing

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