Boost Your Immunity With Nutritious Dish Of Indian Gooseberry
It is very important that you maintain your immunity in winters. Immunity is simply the ability of our body that helps us in fighting common diseases. These diseases can be common cold, general infections, cough and fever.
If your immunity is strong, you can easily combat these and live a healthy and cheerful life. Here, I am telling you the recipe of a nutritional diet made from Indian Gooseberry.
Please note down the ingredients used in this recipe:
- Indian Gooseberry – 1 kg
- Fresh Jaggery – 750 gms
- Cinnamon – 2 inches
- Cardamom – 10 to 12
- Honey – 50 gms
- Cloves – 8 to 10
You can get all these ingredients in shops that sell fresh spices and herbs. i Indian gooseberry is easily available in vegetable shops these days. Fresh jaggery is also seasonal delight.
After boiling the Indian gooseberry. Leave it aside to cool down. Then make a fine powder by mixing cinnamon, cardamom and cloves. Now, remove seeds from the gooseberry and smash it to make a fine paste. Fanfics de Harry Potter en Español
Take a shallow vessel and cook gooseberry, crushed jaggery and powder together. Cook it on low flame until the water present it completely dries.
Leave it to cool and now you nutritious immune booster is ready.
Benefits of this nutritious recipe:
Indian gooseberry contains the highest amount of vitamin C. The vitamin C present in it remains unaffected even after cooking. Vitamin C helps in building immunity and helps fight common diseases which are often seen during changing weather.
Honey is a rich source of iron and is helpful in fighting cough. Fresh jaggery is a rich source of iron that helps build the body and increase blood. All other ingredients like cardamom, cinnamon and cloves are great immune boosters and give warmth to body.
tips- you can eat this dish along with any kind of bread. But make sure not to eat too much at a time. you can also keep it in refrigerator for up to 1 month. It will taste farm fresh.
So, if you want to stays fit in winters and enjoy it to the fullest. Try this immune booster Indian gooseberry health recipe. I will get back to you with recipes soon, till then keep reading.
Boost Your Immunity With Nutritious Dish Of Indian Gooseberry
It is very important that you maintain your immunity in winters. Immunity is simply the ability of our body that helps us in fighting common diseases. These di

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